Sunflower Stamped Apples

 Kids are going to love this hands on art project that incorporates nature to make a fun print that looks great when displayed! It is easy, needs the most basic supplies and turns out to be so cute!  Make this apple stamping art project after a visit to the orchard, or just as a fun craft to do together.

Photo Credit: Sara Lehman.

Aren't these apples the cutest thing for little hands? All you need is a few colors of paint, a sheet of paper and a dried up sunflower head to make these with your kids. This is great for younger kids.

We visited the farmers market and purchased some sunflowers a few weeks earlier. After they had started to dry out, we plucked the petals off and were left with the heads.

Harp and I thought it would be fun to paint with them, so I grabbed a few bottles of cheap paint and some paper. This is what we came up with.

Paint in red, green and yellow
Paper Plate

Photo Credit: Sara Lehman.

Pour  paint onto a paper plate. You need about a quarter sized drop.

Press your sunflower head into the paint and press it onto the paper.

Repeat as desired.

Photo Credit: Sara Lehman.

Find more fun kids art projects here:
Pineapple Process Art
Christmas Tree Art
Cork and Button Apple Tree Art

How To Help Your Toddler Learn New Words

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Babies start learning single words by 12 to 18 months. By age two, most can construct two-word phrases. When they turn three, most children have words for almost everything they see. Research suggests a strong vocabulary in childhood leads to an easier academic transition through school and later life. The more words children understand, the easier they can comprehend the books they read and ideas their teachers share at school. This makes them participate more in class, ensuring academic progress. It’s great for your toddler to pick up new words as early as possible. Here are some helpful tips you can use. 

  1. Follow their lead

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Think of your toddler as a little director leading playtime. Please provide all the play toys they need and let them lead the show. You must pay attention to what they pick or show interest in and engage them with those objects. For example, if your toddler picks or points at a toy train, mention it and encourage them to pronounce it, too. Please do this for every object or item they show interest in. If your toddler struggles to take the lead, you can pick any toy and play with it. By doing so, you model how to play with that toy, which can attract their interest. Once you have their interest in that toy, mention what toy it is and talk about it.

  1. Use educational decor

You can help your toddler pick up or learn new words with the decor elements you use in their rooms or around the house. First, surround your child’s room with colorful images of animals labeled with their names, shapes, numbers, and feature letters. You can also decorate their play areas with plush letters to help them learn new alphabets. 

Next, label every educational item you choose with the right names in clear letters. That will help your toddler associate the letters with the decor items. But it doesn't end there. Engage your child in conversations about those labeled decor items as often as possible. Please encourage them to identify and name each item. You can help them out by clearly pronouncing each item. 

  1. Engage your child in conversations

You’ve probably seen videos online of parents deep in conversation with adorable toddlers, although the little ones only speak gibberish. You can engage your toddler in conversations without educational decors or play toys. Although it sounds a little silly to try talking with a toddler, studies show that it builds their vocabulary while improving their listening skills. So, instead of saying the usual “goo goo” and “ga ga,” use proper words when speaking to them. Of course, their replies may be unintelligible, but they will pick your words with time. 

  1. Use repetition

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It’s important to ensure you repeat your words (words you want them to pick) as often as possible. Repetition is key to them absorbing your vocabulary. According to experts, babies and toddlers must hear words and sentences several times to learn and understand them. Always emphasize the words you’re repeating and pronounce them slowly. Also, use actions and gestures when repeating those words.

Why You Should Serve Cheesy Dip at Your Next Party

Cheesy dip is a classic party appetizer that is always a hit. It is delicious, easy to make, and versatile. Whether you are hosting a casual get-together or a formal event, cheesy dip is a great way to feed your guests and get the party started.

Here are some reasons why you should serve cheesy dip at your next party:

  • It is delicious. Who doesn't love melted cheese? Cheesy dip is a crowd-pleaser that everyone will enjoy. It is the perfect appetizer to serve with chips, vegetables, or bread.
  • It is easy to make. There are many different recipes for cheesy dip, so you can find one that fits your taste and skill level. Most recipes only require a few simple ingredients that you probably already have on hand.
  • It is versatile. Cheesy dip can be served with a variety of different dippers, such as chips, vegetables, or bread. This makes it a great option for parties with a variety of guests.
  • It is affordable. Cheesy dip is a relatively inexpensive appetizer to make. The ingredients are all relatively inexpensive, and you can make a large batch for a crowd.
  • It is a conversation starter. Cheesy dip is a great way to get people talking and mingling at your party. It is a fun and easy appetizer that everyone can enjoy.

If you are looking for a delicious, easy, versatile, affordable, and conversation-starting appetizer for your next party, cheesy dip is the perfect choice.

Here are 8 of my FAVORITE cheesy dip recipes.

Cast Iron Queso by Homebody Eats

Cheesy Pizza Dip by Centsless Meals

Beer Cheese Dip by Spend with Pennies

Herb Honey Whipped Ricotta Dip by Through the Fibro Fog

Bacon Cream Cheese Dip by Finding Zest

Hatch Green Chile Fundido by The Olives Branch

15 Minute Queso by Joyous Apron

Vegan Chili Cheese Dip by Peas and Crayons

Here are some additional tips for serving cheesy dip at your party:

  • Make sure the dip is warm and gooey when you serve it. No one wants to eat cold cheese dip!
  • Provide a variety of dippers so that everyone can find something they like. Some popular dippers include tortilla chips, vegetables, and bread.
  • Serve the dip in a crockpot or slow cooker so that it stays warm throughout the party.
  • Set out some napkins and wet wipes so that guests can clean up after themselves.
  • Have fun! Cheesy dip is a great way to relax and enjoy your party.
Find more favorite recipes here:

Expecting a Little One? To Move Before or After Your Bundle of Joy's Arrival


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A person standing in a garage with a lot of furniture

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Pregnancy is an extraordinary experience; sometimes, it is hard to believe that women can grow human beings, but while doing so, it is easy to get caught up in the world around you. If you are approaching an upcoming move amidst your pregnancy, you may rush to get as much done as possible before the baby arrives. Still, just as airline companies will cut you off at a certain point in your journey, you must consider what will be best for you and your growing family and what is most suitable for your health and safety.

When you seek out moving and storage in Houston, TX, you must have a company that will support your relocation process while observing the possible delicacies and intricacies of moving while expecting. The decision as to whether you choose to go through with it before the baby comes or after it arrives is entirely up to you, but evaluating the pros and cons with your doctor, partner, and family members should always remain a priority before pulling the trigger and scheduling your move date.

Relocating During Pregnancy

Depending on the company you book with, you can always book your move date and have the crew pick your belongings up and transport them to their storage facilities, where they can remain until you have a safe delivery. Suppose you move forward with your relocation process before the baby's debut. In that case, you may be wondering about the logistics, some of which may be entirely out of your control. When juggling all of these changes accompanied by the birth of a newborn, lay down how either option will serve you. 

  • Selling and purchasing homes don't depend on your baby's birth date. With the cutthroat tendencies of the real estate industry, you will have to figure out how to navigate both tasks and/or rental opportunities.

  • You will want to nest, which means you may want to push the move date up sooner, depending on your due date. If you move while pregnant, you can nest in your new place before the baby is born.

  • Moving after the baby is born and the changing environment could affect the baby's mood, sleep habits, etc.

  • Post-partum recovery differs for everyone, depending on any exceptional circumstances associated with your pregnancy and birth environment/complications. If you end up moving with your newborn and are also trying to recover, the unpacking and moving-in could be more challenging.

  • Generally, moving doesn't pair well with pregnancy, nor does packing and carrying things, but if you choose to book with a local moving crew, you still have the option either way!

Moving After Giving Birth

Some new Moms prefer to wait until after giving birth to set their move date and begin the relocation process. This may be for personal reasons, and regardless of why, it comes down to what is best for you and the newest member of the household. So many various puzzle pieces need to seamlessly connect when preparing for a move, traveling for the move, and arriving at your destination. When you are already in the middle of growing a human being, you likely have enough responsibility on your plate and dragging anything else into the mix.

  • Choosing to make your move after the baby ensures you are not ever putting yourself or your unborn child in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation by taking on too much physical, emotional, or mental stress.

  • Suppose you wait and take the time necessary to transition into motherhood and parenthood. In that case, you will better understand your family's wants, needs, and schedules.

  • Moving after the baby is born means that you don't have to worry about the safety of your pregnancy, and you can likely get things done faster, so long as you have the necessary childcare and assistance for your new little one.

  • You will get to enter your new home, neighborhood, and this brand-new place while having the chance to start fresh, making new friends and even other Moms and parents in the area as you navigate this transition.

Contact Movers for a Happy, Healthy & Safe Relocation Process

No matter which route you choose, having moving experts to help guide you through moving can make the transition while pregnant or with a newborn baby much simpler and more straightforward. Delta Moving Systems in Houston, TX, is a family-owned business, and they have made it their mission to help families navigate these changes in their lives. Delta movers are dedicated to providing an accessible and secure moving environment for local and long-distance relocation. It is entirely up to you which route you choose, which likely depends on the details of your pregnancy, due date, and other factors - having local movers there, either way, will cater to a seamless transition and relocation!

4 Effective Tips To Help Your Newborn Sleep At Night

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The journey of motherhood is a beautiful one. However, it is safe to say that it can be challenging, especially when you have a newborn. Newborns do not run on your existing schedule, making sticking to your regular routine challenging. As a mom, you need to get as much rest for the tough days ahead as you need to conquer, but this can be challenging with a baby who struggles to sleep at night. Fortunately, you can get your newborn to sleep at night with the right tips. Here are a few ways to do so. 

  1. Keep your baby’s crib close by your bed

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According to experts, one way of ensuring that your baby gets a good night's sleep is to let them sleep in the same room as you. This is not to say they would have to lie on the bed. Instead, you can simply move their bassinet or cot into your room. With them sleeping by you, you can check on your child periodically. This encourages safe sleeping as you can determine if the baby is uncomfortable and resolve it immediately. It also prevents the risk of injury and fatal phenomena such as sudden infants death syndrome (SIDS). 

  1. Ensure they are snug and warm

Just like you, your baby would struggle to sleep at night if they are uncomfortable in their cot or bassinet. Therefore, you must ensure that their mattress is soft and baby-friendly before purchasing or before the baby comes home. Additionally, you should ensure that the room is sleeping-inducing. For example, a cooler temperature would likely make your baby more comfortable. For some babies, swaddling helps them fall asleep faster. Swaddling is simply wrapping the baby up in light, breathable material, such as muslin swaddles, to keep your baby calm and sleepy. When swaddling your baby, be sure not to wrap them up too tightly, and remember to place them on their backs when swaddling.

  1. Watch out for signs of tiredness

To ensure your baby sleeps at night, you must determine if they are tired enough. The last thing you want is to place your active baby in the crib because they won’t fall asleep soon. An effective way of determining if your child is ready for bed is by watching out for signs of tiredness. Babies have several signs to indicate they are tired. These include rubbing eyes, fussing, and crying. Responding to these signs swiftly would ensure your baby gets to bed and begins sleeping early. 

  1. Create a routine before bed

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Your newborn baby doesn’t know the difference between day and night time. Therefore, they can sleep at any time during the day and be wide awake at night. In this case, create a routine with your newborn, especially before bed. For instance, you can give them a nice warm bath before bed or ensure you feed them before to prevent them from waking up in the middle of the night due to hunger. You should also consider singing them a lullaby each night to keep them relaxed for sleep.