Basket of Fruit Process Art

Lemon and Limes find a second life after their prime with this easy and fun process art activity! It incorporates an introduction to weaving for small hands with a lot of painting fun. This activity is great for kids of all ages from Toddlers and Preschoolers, to older kids, like Rolf who is 11 now and still had fun with this!

Ok, first, let that sink in. Rolf is 11 now. When I started this blog, he was a baby. Literally, just a baby. And here we are 10 years later. Still sharing, growing and creating. Let's have a big group hug!

Next, isn't this such a cute process art project for kids? I love that the touchy, smelly parts make it super engaging for little hands. If you have been reading for a while now, you know how I feel about sensory play and  projects! (I love them!) Well, I also love to paint with Harper too!  We had a few lemons and limes in the fruit basket that were a little shriveled up and unappetizing so instead of tossing them out, we put them to work in an art project.

A lemon and a lime, sliced in half
A paper plate
A brown bag of construction paper
Yellow and green paint

Cut the brown paper into thin strips.
Offer your child one strip and encourage the child to glue it to the paper.

As you can see we used 3 vertical strips, then began the under/over process of weaving the horizontal strips.

Keep the weaving simple, you only need 3 vertical and 3 horizontal strips of paper. If your older child is creating this, feel free to encourage a more complicated weave!

Now comes the fun!
Pour a little paint (about a quarter size drop of each color) on a paper plate.

Offer the citrus fruit to the child, allow them to squeeze the juice out and pick at the seeds if they want to. They will want to because it is fun and it smells good! Just have a towel nearby to wipe their hands! When all of the seed picking and fruit squeezing is finished, encourage your child to press the fruit into the paint, and begin filling the woven basket with fruit!

Remind your artist to use all of the fruit and colors!

Allow to dry and display.

This is fun to make in the summer, when we are making loads of lemonade, so maybe save a few lemons after squeezing for an art project? Or pull this out in the winter, when the kids need a break. It is such a sunny little process art project that they are bound to love it!

Creative Ways To Light Up Your Kid's Room With Neon Signs

There is nothing more exciting than decorating your kid’s room with the best decor items. There are ample ways to experiment and give their tiny space a complete face lift. Some ideas you might want to consider are quirky and cute neon signs. They look attractive and add that much-needed cuteness to the room. These modern lights are easy on the pocket and can be customized as per your child’s preference. If you are eager to buy one, then first have a look at a few creative ways to light up the room in the best possible ways.

Replicate fictional characters with neon lights
If your kid has a favorite fictional character, it is a great idea to light it up with a matching neon sign. It will look great, and your child will also have a favorite corner in the room. These quirky pieces are available in different shapes, and you can select them according to the preference of the child. This idea will also help your kids to be creative and enhance their imagination power.
Choose beautiful designs
Neon lights look amazing, but beautiful patterns in them look even better. Apart from selecting a phrase or one-liner, you can also pick different designs in signs. The designs include a star, sunbursts, and clouds. These signs imbibe classiness and also help you to depict a story to your child. Besides multiple designs, you can even select cute and perky colors. There are many websites out there nowadays to browse through the Neon Lights available, including what designs and colors they come in, in order to choose the perfect one for your child's space. 

Customize your neon signs
Every child has a unique personality, and picking up a sign as per their preference makes sense. If your little one likes sports, you can order custom neon sign with a related message, font, and colors online. If your child likes books, you can get a sign replicating a bookshelf design on a wall. Such neon signs will not only light up the ambiance but also give your child instant motivation.

Get creative with inspiring signs
Decorating the walls with inspirational phrases and verses is always a great idea when it comes to designing a kid's room. They not only motivate your children but also inspire them to do something great in life. You need not do a lot of hard work to find something creative. Check famous quotes by great people online and get them integrated into a custom sign for the room.
Neon signs are one of the most effective ways to decorate a space. They are not only durable but are also easy on your wallet. You can check for these amazing pieces online in the best available varieties. Research for them and pick the best lights with the colors and verses of your choice. 

Easy Labor Day Table Decor

 Can you believe that labor day is right around the corner? It seems like the summer really went by faster than ever. Now that school is in session, why not send summer out in style and welcome fall with open arms? These festive and oh so easy table decorations are perfect for a party, and they look nice long after the patriotic holiday season.

This is an easy project, and chances are, you have everything you need to make a few in your pantry!

This easy candle project is perfect to make with the kids. We used leftover dyed rice from a sensory bin and tossed a battery operated candle into the mix, and BOOM! There is a cute as can be way to decorate for the day. For FREE!

If you don't already have dyed rice laying around no worries, it is so easy to do! You can get the complete dyed rice tutorial here.

Start by putting a little red, a little blue and a little un dyed white rice into a mason jar. Shake it. Add more of each color, making sure to shake in between colors, until you fill about 3/4 of the jar.

Add a battery operated candle. Repeat as needed. Decorate tables, patios, walkways and more with these.

Find more wonderful rice ideas here.

Reader favorites include Homemade Rice Pudding.

Sushi Sensory Bin

Age Gracefully and Celebrate Menopause- the Transition to a New Life

 For Western women, mentioning the word "menopause" is associated with fear and dread. Women in this culture are brought up to believe in relishing youth. Menopause, on the other hand, sadly is a part of the ageing process, and menopausal women are labelled 'old' and 'grumpy'. 

But are these stereotypes realistic? Of course, not!

Many women tend to suffer from physical pain, anxiety, and hot flashes as a part of menopause. They're also expected to cope with social and cultural labels. Nevertheless, it's miserable that these immoral beliefs aren't even close to who they are or what they've been experiencing. 

The truth, however, is that menopause is a natural and bodily cycle, which marks an end to the childbearing and mensuration era. It's a start to the new chapter in a woman's life, which owes celebration and enjoyment. 

What is it About Celebrating Menopause?

Did you know that Mayan and Greek cultures look forward to menopause? This fact has undoubtedly come as a surprise to you! 

Women in these regions indeed look forward to this time. And, why not? It relieves them of the responsibilities of giving birth. The women in this culture believe in menopause as a new phase in their life. 

Yes, it's a phase in which they can re-focus on their dreams and aspirations. It's so exciting for them that they wait for a more fulfilling and satisfying sex-life post-menopause. 

Changing Cultural Attitudes- Is that even possible?

Menopause comes with a world of benefits- both mental as well as physical. So, why is it vital to suppress a completely normal womanly condition? Well, here's what requires a transition- a change of thought. But, how would you do that? 

Well, given below can be some starting steps. Let's get going with knowing what these are:

  • Bring About Minor Lifestyle Changes:

There's a taboo about menopause primarily because of the symptoms that come with it. Women tend to experience pain, mood swings, hot flashes, anxiety, among other conditions. And that's when they feel the urge to give up.

However, that's not what it should be? It is always worth bringing about small changes to your living. For instance, you can eat one slice of whole-grain bread and a white toast for breakfast instead of two pieces of white toast. 

Or, you can eat an orange instead of drinking orange juice. Considering natural supplements for menopause also can go a long way in alleviating pain and bringing about a sigh of relief and comfort. Also, add fibre to your diet and explore hands-on a Mediterranean diet. 

Try indulging in more workouts and open your mind by reading more and manage your finances to prepare yourself for the older age. 

All these lifestyle changes help you in thinking with an open bent of mind. By doing so, you'll be able to relish life and open windows of opportunities for promising health and wealth. 

  • Talk Openly about Menopause:

Menopause is part and parcel of every woman's life. By valuing each other's voices and learning from shared experiences, women have the capability of educating and empowering one another. 

The Bottom Line- Cheers to Menopause- the New Beginnings- 

Menopause adds to the challenges of a woman's life. Yes, it's the hormonal fluctuations that significantly cause havoc on your life. 

It is a new life stage, and every woman has a unique experience. For some women, the process can be increasingly physical, while others encounter increased emotions. So, it is always worth doing your homework for undergoing symptom-free menopause. 

After all, it's all about making a difference in this new yet exciting phase of your life. 

How to Keep Your Patience as a Parent

 How to Keep Your Patience as a Parent 

Your children will test your patience. Even if you love them, there will be a time when they will push you to the limits. But, of course, you don't want them to feel bad because of your reactions. So, try your best to stay patient. These tips can help. 

Don’t allow things to pile up

There are times when your children will hear your outrage and not because you had it with them. You have already encountered too many issues during the day, and you suddenly took it out on them. They are the last straw that pushed you to the edge. However, it's unfair for them to be on the receiving end of your anger. Therefore, you can't allow things to pile up. Take issues separately, and don't let them build up. 

Find a way to relax

You’re also angry because you feel like you’re doing everything for the family. You’re too busy balancing too many things, and you have no time to relax. It’s possibly the reason why you always lose your cool. It’s on you to find a way to relax. Start by investing in a shower cabin. It helps you to stay relaxed at home. It also makes you forget about everything that happened during the day. You can also talk to your friends and express your frustrations with them. 

Write how you feel 

You love your family, but you can’t always open up to them. Sometimes, they’re the cause of your frustrations. The best way to express your emotions is by writing how you feel. The goal is to release your feelings and not let them build up. Things will be better when you learn how to let go of your emotions. 

Always remember your children’s good side

When you think about screaming at your children, remember their good side. They might be hard to deal with at times, but they’re also kind and loving. They’re children, and you have to understand that they will misbehave. Use the opportunity to teach them what’s right. Screaming at them or hitting them won’t change the negative behaviour. If anything, it will push them to be angry at you. It could damage your relationship in the long run. 

Spend time with your children

You hate it when your children misbehave, but you don't even spend time playing with them. This is because you're too busy with work, and you couldn't follow their growth. Their misbehavior is a result of your lack of guidance. Therefore, even if you're too busy, you should spend time with them. They need you during their formative years. You will also know how to deal with their behavioral issues if you get to know them deeply. 

Hopefully, you stay patient even if your children try to test you all the time. It can be a challenging dynamic, but you can do it. There’s no formula to be a perfect parent, but you can learn with every opportunity that comes along.