Mom Life on the Run

When I was pregnant with my first child, I envisioned having a real life doll baby. I had this fun little notion about how perfect everything would be. You couldn't have burst my bubble if you tried. Some lessons, like babies being messy, are lessons that you have to live and learn. 

With my second baby, I was back at it with the ideas again. I had notions of matching outfits and coordinated activities and perfectly decorated bedrooms. HA! I sure am a funny lady. This post has been sponsored by Oxiclean. All opinions and experiences are my own.

Motherhood has had lots of interesting moments. From the sweet ones that make you tear up a little, to the ridiculous ones (hello, who wrote on the side of the house with permanent markers?!) to the ones that are just downright messy, like ice cream on a hot day. One thing I know for sure is that mess happens when you are a mom and there is only one thing you can do, jump in and clean it up. That's why I like to keep a OxiClean on the Go Stain Remover Pen on my person. These come in so handy for life with kids! If we are out to dinner, no dribble destroys the day. We can go anywhere and face anything with a oxiclean stain remover pen!

While these are small, they have so much power within. I have used them for so many stains. From ice cream to ketchup. I even used them to take dirty foot prints out of new shoes. Like I said, as a mom, I know messes will happen. And now I can roll with whatever happens while saving time and money.  You can pick up a 3 pack from retailers like Meijer, Walmart or Amazon starting at $7.

Keeping Home Smelling Fresh

 If you have a garbage disposal at home, you know that while they are convenient to have, they can also be STINKY! There is nothing quite like walking past and smelling that odor. It can stop you in your tracks and send you scrambling to find a solution. If you are anything like me, you have tried it all. A sprinkle of baking soda, a lemon peel, and more. But, that smell seems to come back like a bad penny. What can you do about it? Take out the disposal and deal with food scraps? 

Thankfully we are not there yet! Arm & Hammer has solutions for smelly garbage disposals! This post has been sponosored, but all opinions are my own. My go to is the Arm & Hammer Garbage Disposal Cleaner.  These little pods are so easy to use and they make such a difference in the way my home smells! I no longer stress over if y guests are going to get a whiff of the sink and know things will smell as fresh as they would without the disposal.

Garbage disposal cleaning sounds treacherous doesn't it? Well, trust me, these little pods do all the work! All you need to do is open the package and pop one in. Like magic your disposal will be as fresh as can be with the cleaning power of citrus and baking soda. 

These are perfect for busy people who want a fresh and inviting home, free of lingering odors. Get a pack from retailers  like Amazon or Lowe's for about $9 a pack.

Arm & Hammer Keeps Things Clean Without Harsh Chemicals

In the last 18 months it feels like I have been cleaning, scrubbing, washing and disinfecting more than ever. With so many unknowns and a heightened awareness about viruses wiping things down is an extra step that we can't afford to overlook. BUT, there are so many toxic chemicals in the standard disinfecting wipe. I am leery of things like hair dye and air fresheners because I don't want my kids breathing those chemicals in. Having to touch harsh chemicals seems counterproductive.

This post has been sponsored by Arm & Hammer. All opinions are my own.

Luckily for choosy moms like me, Arm & Hammer has a new line of wipes that are simple, strong and made with natural ingredients like citrus to provide a clean you can trust. 

I love the container these come in because they are huge; you get 80 wipes in one tub. Speaking of the tub! These are ready to use with no searching for the end to pull and get started as the wipes are loaded to be pulled out without a struggle. Also, these handy babies STACK for ease of storage under the sink or in the cleaning supply closet. 

Before trying these I thought all wipes were the same. Arm & Hammer wipes changed my mind on that. They are long lasting, so I can clean effectively without leaving wipes in my wake. They smell pleasant and not like bleach, which I find really appealing! And best of all, they are gentle enough to let the kids use them to keep their stuff clean. These are awesome on iPads, phone screens, door knobs and more. They will certainly be on my list of supplies to gather for when the kids are in a classroom setting.

I would recommend this brand to other parents who are trying to keep their home a sanitary, safe space for their families.

Crafts Where the Quality of Your Water Matters

Water is important not only for your health but also in various processes. In its purest form, there are many uses for distilled water. You can improve water quality through systems like Brita reverse osmosis and use it for various applications. For instance, several crafts require you to use high-quality water. This article discusses some of these crafts in detail. 

Making Homemade Perfume

Perfume making is a craft that needs high-quality water. Instead of using a perfume that everyone else is using, you can make a unique one using different ingredients. Listed below are some of the materials you will need for this craft:

  • Distilled water

  • Fragrance oils, essential oils, flavor, and infused oils such as vanilla extracts

  • Glycerin

Other materials you will need include a decorated glass bottle to store the finished product (preferably colored glass), measuring spoons or cup, a glass jar for mixing the fragrance, wrapping paper or aluminum or wrapping paper, especially when using clear glass bottles, a funnel, dropper, pencil, and paper for writing your recipe. 

Advantages of Homemade Perfumes

There are several advantages of homemade perfumes; here are some of them:

  • They do not contain ingredients grown with toxins, pesticides, or chemicals, leading to environmental damage and skin sensitivity. 

  • By using natural and essential oils to make homemade perfume, you create emotional and physical healing properties such as mood-lifting, relaxing, energy-enhancing, and calming. 

  • Compared to perfumes with synthetic properties, homemade perfumes are not tested on animals. The ingredients in mass-manufactured perfumes include musk and phthalates, which can cause harm to animals. 

  • Non-natural fragrances mask the wearer's skin, while homemade ones create a more individual and personal scent. 

Canning Fresh Produce

This is another craft that needs high-quality water. By preserving food, you encourage certain bacteria to crowd out harmful bacteria. Preserving food also means freezing time to prevent it from going bad. Canning is one of the most reliable methods of preserving food. This method relies on distilled water for the best results, and you can buy distilled water online which makes this a lot easier.

The simplest method of canning is water bath canning, where you fill jars with acidic foods such as cucumbers, berries, or tomatoes mixed with vinegar. Cover them in a pan of distilled water until a seal forms under the lid. This process forces air out of the food and then out of the jar, creating a vacuum in the acidic environment. By doing so, the harmful bacteria will not survive. 

Water bath canning can also create several delicious foods such as jellies, jams, pickles, and whole tomatoes. If you have advanced equipment, you can try out pressure canning. Even though this procedure requires specialized equipment and more skills, it can unlock a wide range of flavors and food options. Keep in mind that the success of this process comes down to minor details like the quality of water you are using — always ensure it is distilled! 

Making Cosmetics

Quality water is also needed in making cosmetics. In this craft, water plays a very important role. Given that water can dissolve the highest number of solutes, it can dissolve most ingredients used in making cosmetic products. This makes distilled water an essential ingredient in making cosmetics, from shaving creams to shampoo.

Even in the mass manufacturing of these products, pure water is needed. This is because the presence of unwanted particles like magnesium and sodium can interfere with the precise and delicate production of cosmetic products. Distilled water doesn't contain any impurities, making it perfect for use in the production of cosmetics. Furthermore, since cosmetic products are mostly used on the skin, pure water is the most reliable, as it does not contain any chemical that can cause irritation.

Making Fun-Shaped Ice Cubes

This craft needs water without any impurities. Distilled water can make shiny and clear ice cubes in less time compared to contaminated water. The process of making ice at home is simple. Start by filling your decorative shapes with distilled water. Then, stick it in a freezer and wait for several hours.

Releasing the ice is not complicated either. Take out the ice shapes from the freezer, twisting or spinning slightly to allow the fun shapes to pop out. This will get you perfect fun shapes ready for consumption! It is important to keep in mind that ice in any form should only be made with distilled water. Anything other than that could result in poor-quality ice or impede on the flavor of your preferred beverage.


Several crafts use distilled water. This article has discussed some of them and how distilled water is used. You can try out any of these crafts at home!

How to Freeze Vegetables for Winter

 Summer is a season that is filled with my favorite things! From working in my small garden, to watching my kids swim in the pool. To auction season where I scout for furniture to refinish and the Farmer's Market! With so many things going on, I am always looking for ways to speed the work parts up to make the fun parts last longer.

A lot of my work time in the summer is spent in my kitchen, where someone has to clean, chop and prep vegetables and fruits for the freezer. From July to late September, I make a daily harvest of peppers, and I buy about 30 pounds of fresh food each week for my freezer. It is always my personal mission to not buy overpriced, out of season produce in the cold months. My kids will groan and tell you about the ice cream our freezer lacks these days, to make room for beautiful vacuum sealed bags of mixed veggies!

This post has been sponsored by Arm & Hammer. Thank you for helping keep my veggies clean and fresh!

Preserving food for the future is a lot of work. Some of my earliest summer memories involve 'garden work' with my grandparents, we shelled beans, shucked corn, peeled tomatoes, and made pickles for weeks. I always loved the experience of hard work and the fruits of my labors later.

I don't can at home, but I am the freezer queen. Let me tell you a few tips and tricks to help you master the art of freezing veggies at home while they are in season and ready for the picking!

While most of the veggies I buy locally and grow are organic, I still find it important to give them all a good cleaning. I trust Arm & Hammer Fruit and Vegetable Wash to help me get my veggies ready. This is the first step to preserving great produce. It is so easy to use and is more effective than water alone at removing wax, dirt and residues from pesticides. Simply spray it on, rub the fruit and rinse. It is so easy!

Next, I start chopping! I use large sheet pan to keep my veggies separated for easy access. Some people prefer to blanche first, but for me, I like everything pre-chopped, so I deal with that and get it out of the way. 

After my veggies are chopped, I start blanching some of them. I simply boil the veggies for about 90 seconds, then pull them out of the water and into a cool bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process.

Next, transfer the veggies to a towel and pat them dry.

Then, you are ready to begin sealing. I like to use a vacuum sealer system to remove the air and avoid freezer burn.

Label your bags of fruits and veggies.

Freeze for later.

Arm & Hammer is made with simple ingredients to provide an effective and safe product that keeps your fruits and veggies fresher. It is perfect for the home gardener, a market shopper, or anyone who wants to make their fresh foods cleaner before consumption.

If you have any tips or tricks for freezing fresh foods, I hope you will leave a comment to share!