The Lovely Bone

The Lovely Bone

Fru Fru is sweet, kind, patient, he makes me laugh everyday. He is loyal, and never leaves my side, he is without a doubt my best friend forever.

He is the Lovely Bone.

Pictures of Our Summer

My son is a future Olympic swimmer! He has been floating on his back at 2 years old! Needless to say, his pool is a hit. Who would have thought a 30"x12' pool would be so much fun for our little family!?

The poor dog wants to get in the pool too! He has been cracking us up, while we are in the pool he circles it, and all you can see is his tail. It seems like we are being circled by a big, beautiful red shark! LOL

If you get near the edge, the dog (Fru) stops to give you a smooch. 

I can't resist sharing this one, from our trip to the Little Buckeye Museum. 

And one of us cuddling up on the Carousel. 

                                                            Gotta love that face!

Getting his face kissed off by Daddy at the park.

Meet My Family

My little boy isn't feeling well, and he can't seem to sleep without Mommy at his side, so I am sitting up in bed, listening to him sleep. He reaches over to make certain I am still here every few minutes.

I don't post much about my family, I realized that the other day. Well, let me introduce you to my family!

                                          My husband, Adam and my son Rolf

                                           This is my Prince of a Puppy

                                                       This is Fru, my bestie! What a face! He was caught mid yawn~

                                         Maurice- our darling kitty
                                                        My hubby loves to fish :)

                                              My little darling Rolf!

 Rolf is a wonderful child. He is kind, he loves to help Mommy around the house. He is sweet, he is generous and loves to share. Rolf is funny, he has a great sense of humor and  he is busy, busy, busy! My son is very bright and he is absolutely adorable. I consider myself lucky to be his mother.

It breaks my heart to see him sick. He has been coughing and sneezing, he has been grumpy and restless, and tonight he had a low fever. It seems as if this year has been rough on our immune systems. We spent the day indoors, napping and coloring. We read a few books, cuddled and in general tried to take it easy. After a busy weekend I needed a day to relax, and Rolf needed me, so I have pushed the guilt I feel when I don't accomplish much aside.

My husband, Adam, gives me a gift every day. The gift of time, to watch Rolf grow and the opportunity to stay at home with Rolf. Our family could certainly benefit from a second income, but the money is not worth all of the things I would miss.

Well folks, there you have it, my family and a little bit about us!

What remedies did you or do you use for your toddler when he or she has a cold? The pediatrician advised us not to use any OTC medicines, and to give him plenty of fluids, zinc and vitamin C, and to use a nasal aspirator and humidifier to keep Rolf comfy. I have been giving him vapor baths too. I like to use natural products and remedies when I can. I would love to hear what works to soothe your kids!