Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

3 Tips to Plan Your First Camping Trip


Image Credit: Dominik Jirovsky from Unsplash.

Camping vacations can always be appealing. You get to take in the outdoors and have an amazing time. It’s easy to see why so many people go on them every year. You could be considering going for the first time, but you could feel a little stressed about it.

With how much there is to sort out, it’s easy to see why. Thankfully, this doesn’t need to be a problem. Instead, you just need to plan your first camping trip out the right way. More than a few tips help with this, with three of them standing out.

Consider Going in an RV

Camping usually involves staying in a tent every night, but not everyone wants to go down that route. Thankfully, it’s far from your only option. There are more than a few other options. Going in an RV is one of the more notable because of how comfortable it can be.

Plenty of campgrounds let you camp in them, like Willow Glen. If you’re worried about the weather and similar factors, this can be a great option to take. You’ll have a more comfortable time during your trip. There’ll be a lot less to worry about.

Be Prepared for the Weather

One of the main drawbacks of a camping trip is your at the mercy of the weather. That doesn’t mean it should put you off, though. Instead, you just need to be prepared for it. You’ll end up not needing to worry about the weather, no matter how it goes. Put a little effort into it.

Bringing a weatherproof tent - or an RV - helps make sure you don’t have to worry about the rain, for example. Then there’s sunglasses and sunscreen for when it’ll be quite warm. Once you’re prepared, there shouldn’t have to be anything to worry about.

Keep Security in Mind

It’s always worth making sure you’re safe when you go camping. Thankfully, looking after this doesn’t need to be too complicated. Instead, it could be easier than you’d think. It’s just a matter of putting a little bit of effort into it. Researching how safe where you want to go is a start.

Then there’s making sure you set up your camp securely. Lock up any valuables you bring with you, and make sure your tent is as secure as possible. While this takes a bit of time, it shouldn’t have to be too complicated or take much time.

Your first camping trip can be an amazing time, and you’ll create some great memories with it. That doesn’t mean it can’t be stressful. You’ll have more than a bit to sort out for it. Once you know how to plan your first camping trip, though, it gets a whole lot easier.

A few camping tips help with this, with some standing out more than others. By focusing on a few particular tips, you shouldn’t have a problem planning it out. There’s no reason not to put a bit of time and effort into them.

Traveling With A Chronic Condition: What To Pack In Your Suitcase

 Traveling is supposed to be something fun, enjoyable, and super relaxing. Going on vacation is all about shedding your daily needs and doing something out there, and much more exciting than anything you’d get up to back home. No matter what’s on your itinerary, you know you’re off to have a good time - even if your flight gets delayed! 

However, if you’re living with a chronic condition, vacations can be more stressful than your day to day life. After all, traveling with more medical needs than the typical person will have your head on a spin, especially if you can’t be sure about the accommodations you’ll get along the way. 

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A Doctor’s Note

Sometimes this is required to travel, sometimes it’s just good to have. Either way, it’s best to have a doctor’s note in your carry on, especially if you’re boarding a plane. Keep it in easy reach at all times. 

Plus, if you need to make use of medical services while you’re on your trip, a doctor’s note will help to explain.  

You may not be in shape to do so yourself, or you may have trouble trying to explain it properly, and it’s better to have this little bit of paper on your side. It can ease a lot of stress you may have over being out of reach of your usual doctor too. 

Anything That Helps Manage the Pain

Don’t think you can do without them on your trip! Even though you’ll be in a different environment, you’re still going to need the things that make your bones, joints, and muscles behave themselves. 

Plus, pain management items usually come with other effects. Over the counter painkillers, for example, not only help to reduce pain, but they can help with high temperatures too. 

A lot of chronic conditions make walking quite the difficult thing. Remember, there are a lot of places out there where you’ll have to walk down cobbled streets and up uneven hills, and you’ll definitely need the cbd edibles for pain management you like to ensure flare ups remain at the minimum.

Sanitary Items

If you have a chronic condition, you may have to deal with more bathroom related issues than the average person. Similarly, you may also need to watch your immune system more than usual. 

Whether one of these things applies or both do, make sure you pack plenty of easy to carry and use sanitary items. This way you can nip into any toilet, no matter where you are, and take care of any hygiene issues that can cause embarrassment or distress. 

Packs of wet wipes and antibacterial hand gel are must haves when you’re on a trip, and you can take these everywhere you go, even if you just slip them into a pocket. 

If you’re living with a chronic condition and you’re about to go on vacation, make sure you remember little things that’ll make the trip a lot easier and more enjoyable for you.

What's Missing From Your Travel Itinerary?

 Just put together a travel itinerary for your next trip? Great! Then there are plenty of fun, exciting things on the list for you to do once you get there. You probably can’t wait to finally get on the plane and be on your way! 

But now you’re looking at it in full, you might feel there are one or two things missing - and even without looking at it, we would agree! After all, you can’t overplan a vacation. Instead, you need to leave space for a few things like these:

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Some Spontaneity

If you’re planning a vacation right down to the last details, like the exact time you need to go to bed or the latest you can get up for the hotel breakfast, you might be overthinking things a little. 

We recommend sprinkling some spontaneity into your itinerary, as this will ensure you’ve got a bit of spare time to try out things you discover while you’re there. 

It’ll also make it a lot easier to move around your plans for the day when you oversleep, or decide you couldn't possibly walk all over the city in time to get to each activity. It won’t be a disaster for your vacation if you can have fun by being spontaneous!

Some Hobby Activities! 

Going on vacation isn’t just about trying new things. It’s about doing the things you love in a new, fantastic place as well! Especially if you don’t get to do much of the hobbies you enjoy back at home.

It’s why so many writers’ retreats exist, and why you can go on painting tours. People love to do their favorite activities while they’re away, just as much as they like doing more ‘exotic’ and adrenaline pumping things. 

So incorporate these into the itinerary too. If you love fishing, book yourself in for a Myrtle Beach Deep Sea Fishing trip, particularly if you’re headed anywhere in the Southeastern United States. Or if you love cycling and you’re visiting Spain, you’re in luck! This is a country known for its great trail elevation, so you can easily hire a bike and head down the hills.

Some Quiet Time

Quiet time is essential to a good vacation. You won’t be able to truly enjoy every minute of your trip if you’re always on the go. That’ll just lead to overstimulation, exhaustion, and much worse jet lag when you eventually come home again. 

As such, clear some time in your itinerary for quiet and peaceful moments. Even on a short vacation, when you want to get as much done as possible, you’re going to need some quiet time to relax. 

You need to pace yourself and have some time to process what you’ve been up to; even just sitting by the hotel pool going through the photos will count here! 

Your travel itinerary is probably in pretty good shape, but consider adding these ingredients to it as well. They’ll make your trip a lot more enjoyable!

What Does Travel Writing Really Entail?


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Travel writing looks pretty great from the outside, for obvious reasons. We tend to imagine exploring far-off places, staying in luxury resorts, and getting paid to write about their adventures. If you’re lucky, perhaps you can earn that kind of lifestyle, it’s not necessarily unheard of at all, but the reality involves more early mornings, tight deadlines, and careful note-taking than most would expect.

Most travel writers have a strong purpose in mind, be that staying in hotel suites in Atlanta to get a better idea of the music heritage there, or staying in town for a major international sporting event to comment on the coming and going of individuals present.

This means the job needs good observation skills, a strong writing ability, and the patience to record every detail that might matter later. Good travel writing describes the real experience of a place, not just the tourist highlights everyone already knows about, or necessarily only listing facts (though these are essential too of course). 

Let’s consider how a travel writer may actually approach their craft:

Research Takes More Time Than Travel

Most articles need solid background research for you to really have something interesting to share. It’s easy to think that travel writers just somehow learn everything by visiting a place but that’s not true. History, culture, practical details about getting around don’t just come to us of course, especially not so we can talk about them authoratatively, as all this needs checking before leaving home. Experienced writers, then, will know the basic facts about a place before arrival. That means hours of reading other articles, guidebooks, and local news. The actual trip might only last a few days, but the research can take weeks.

Writing Happens Everywhere

Stories don't wait for perfect writing conditions and usually, you have to write even when you don’t feel like it. That means your notes get taken on buses, trains, and wherever else the moment happens or when you have a good idea to write down, and getting in that habit is important. The quiet hotel room time people imagine rarely exists because while travel writers may have time to deflate and soak in a place, often they don’t, especially if they’re being paid on the company dime to write. This means most writing happens in busy cafes, airport lounges, or back home after the trip ends, and as memory fades fast, everything needs recording right away, even if that means typing on a phone while walking.

Building Contacts Makes The Difference

Travel writing needs good relationships with local people, even if we tend to think of it as a maverick art. This means learning how to speak to tour guides, hotel staff, restaurant owners and more to gain in-roads into a specific area or just understand the background knowledge is key. It could be said that these contacts help writers find the real stories. Cold emailing rarely works anymore, and so you may have to visit a place several times and know several people before it really becomes known to you.

With this advice, we hope you can feel inspired and more informed as you travel write yourself.

How To Travel Like A Professional

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It’s true to say that travel for recreation and travel for professional purposes are very different. While both involve getting from A to B in the most convenient, comfortable, and affordable way you can, the mindset and what you do when you get there are going to differ quite occasionally.

Of course, the professional category can be subdivided into different purposes - a business trip paid for by the company you work for, or one funded by the business you run. You might travel to a new area to see what the employment opportunities are like, or perhaps to see how you might expand into a local market.

Regardless, you may not be used to this kind of travel. If so, having some tips available can be appropriate and help you learn what to do and what to look for in advance. With that in mind, please consider the following advice:

Furnished Apartments, Not Hotels

Hotels work well for short trips, but furnished apartments make so much more sense when you're traveling for work, because they give you space to set up a proper desk, cook your own meals, and maintain some kind of normal routine. Most business travelers find that living out of a suitcase in a hotel room gets old fast and that can impede their motivation, and perhaps yours too. Washington DC apartments from the best brands, and further afield too, will often come with proper internet connections and quiet spaces for video calls. Many landlords now specifically cater to business travelers, and that could mean flexible leases and fully equipped spaces that feel like actual homes, but it’s important to make sure they are equipped for that mid-term stay you may be planning.

Enrol In All Loyalty & Redemption Programs

Business travel comes with plenty of expenses, so you might as well get something back from them. Most airlines, hotel chains, and even car rental companies offer loyalty programs that add up quickly when you travel regularly, and those points or miles you earn can help fund your personal trips later, or upgrade your work travel to make it more comfortable. Some programs even let you share benefits with family members. Just make sure you understand your company's policy about using these rewards, and don’t enrol in a program you don’t intend to use.

Secure Access To Specific Hospitality Brands Your Company Can Trust

If you’re planning a trip as part of your own company, building relationships with specific travel brands is worth it, for it saves time and reduces stress. Your company probably already has agreements with certain hotels or serviced apartment providers, but expand these outward if you can, because these partnerships often come with corporate rates and guaranteed standards of service. They also mean less paperwork for expense claims since the billing arrangements are already sorted out.

With this advice, we hope you can more easily travel like a professional. No matter if you’re heading abroad or nationwide for yourself or your company, you’re sure to get the hang of it sooner rather than later.

Why People Never Forget Their Trips To America's Canyon Lands

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You’ve probably seen America’s canyons, like the Grand Canyon, in travel brochures and tourism blogs. But actually visiting these places is often a different experience from seeing them solely in magazines. 

America’s canyonlands are more than landscapes. They’re also something that connects deeply with your soul, almost unlike any other region on Earth. 

Here are some of the reasons why people never forget their trips to America’s canyonlands. 

The Unparalleled Natural Beauty

Top of the list has to be the unparalleled natural beauty of these regions. No words or photos can quite describe the experience of this location. These expanses of desert landscapes colored in shades of red, orange, and gold jutted with rock formations give, most of the time, the appearance of being out of this world. 

Every edge of Grand View Point (including the most iconic of all sights–the Mesa Arch at sunrise)leaves people speechless. This is an overwhelming contrast between the vast skies and the rugged canyon view infusing the minds of onlookers with an indelible mark. It’s something that has to be witnessed to be experienced. 

The Timelessness

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Another reason people never forget is the sense of timelessness the region provides. These are landscapes representative of millions of years of erosion in the fashioning of these relentless forces of wind and water, a telling of an eon. As you walk through the canyon, it’s like a brand-new experience. 

Petroglyphs and ruins left by the Ancestral Puebloans give one a glimpse into the lives of the early inhabitants of this region, placing them against the grandeur of nature. It reminds you that people actually once lived and thrived here, despite the apparently harsh conditions. 

The Connection To The Sublime

Then there’s a connection to the sublime, the ineffable characteristic of some landscapes that creates a strong emotional response. It’s hard to go to these places without feeling profoundly moved by the natural world and everything that it offers. 

Sites like introduce tourists to new areas that aren’t as explored. These often provide even richer histories and help get away from the crowds for a more bespoke experience. Everything is laid out invitingly and professionally, helping to foster deeper connections with the landscape. 

Ideal For Photographers

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People also never forget their trips to America’s canyonlands because of the incredible photography opportunities. These regions are like nowhere else on Earth, looking different at every time of the day because of the strange and unusual rock formations. 

Photographers can have a lot of fun and play around to their hearts’ content with lighting and framing here. It’s even possible to set up a video stand and simply take a few shots every hour to create time-lapses of the evolving landscape. 

The Unmatched Night Sky

Finally, people never forget their visits to America’s canyonlands because of the unrivaled night sky views. According to, the region offers some of the darkest and least spoilt skies in the country because of the absence of cities. 

From Rentals to Real Fun: How Families Can Create Lasting Memories


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Family vacations are special opportunities to create lifelong memories. They bring everyone together, offering a chance to bond, explore, and relax away from daily routines. The best vacations are those that combine comfort, fun, and shared experiences, making every family member feel included. Choosing the right destination plays a big role in how memorable the trip becomes.

Pigeon Forge is an exceptional destination for families looking for a perfect mix of adventure and relaxation. Nestled in the Smoky Mountains, it offers something for everyone. From thrilling amusement parks and live entertainment to scenic hikes and charming shops, the city has activities that cater to kids, teens, and adults alike. Its family-friendly attractions and welcoming atmosphere make it an ideal place to stay and create lasting memories.

This article will help you plan a vacation that’s really fun for the whole family.

Start with the Right Rental: Why It Sets the Tone

Choosing your stay is one of the most important steps in planning a family vacation. A good rental offers the comfort of home while giving you the freedom to explore and unwind. Look for a space that suits your family’s needs, whether it’s a cozy cabin or a modern home with plenty of amenities. Features like a fully equipped kitchen, spacious living areas, and outdoor spaces can make your stay much more enjoyable. Having a comfortable base ensures that everyone has a place to relax after a day of activities.

Explore Unique Things to Do

Discover exciting opportunities for family fun. From amusement parks and scenic trails to interactive museums, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re seeking outdoor thrills or engaging indoor experiences, this location offers countless ways to make lasting memories together. When you’re on vacation with your family to the Smoky Mountains, spend your time discovering unique things to do in Pigeon Forge, such as exploring the historic Old Mill with its charming shops and delicious Southern food, zorbing at the Outdoor Gravity Park for thrilling fun, and learning about crime history at the interactive Alcatraz East Crime Museum. With so much variety, the whole family will make memories that they’ll cherish for years. 

Plan a Family Game Night

After a day of exploring, a family game night is a fun way to spend quality time together. Bring along board games, card games, or even set up a trivia contest. If your rental has outdoor space, games like cornhole or charades can be great options for everyone to enjoy. These simple activities encourage laughter and bonding, ensuring that even quiet nights become part of your family’s vacation memories.

Cook a Special Meal Together

Cooking a meal together can turn into a fun and rewarding family activity. Use the kitchen in your rental to prepare a favorite dish or try a local recipe. Assign roles to each family member, from chopping vegetables to setting the table. The process of working together to create something delicious adds to the sense of togetherness. Plus, sharing a meal you’ve all helped prepare is a great way to unwind and reflect on the day.

Capture the Memories: Family Photography Tips

Make sure to document your vacation with plenty of photos. Set aside some time to take family pictures, whether it’s at a scenic spot or during a fun activity. You don’t need fancy equipment; even a smartphone can capture great moments. Encourage everyone to take turns snapping photos to get different perspectives. Creating a photo album or sharing pictures with loved ones can keep those memories alive long after the trip is over.

Venture Outdoors: Nature Walks and Adventures

Spending time outdoors is a great way to connect with nature and each other. Look for family-friendly hiking trails, nearby parks, or nature reserves where you can explore together. Activities like scavenger hunts or picnics can make these outings even more enjoyable. Being outside encourages curiosity and conversation while giving everyone a chance to move around and enjoy the fresh air. It’s an easy and memorable way to create shared experiences.

Make It Personal: Journals or Scrapbooking

Encourage each family member to document their favorite moments during the trip. A travel journal or scrapbook is a creative way to capture memories. Kids can draw pictures, write about their adventures, or save small souvenirs like postcards or ticket stubs. Adults can jot down highlights or funny moments from the day. At the end of the vacation, you’ll have a meaningful keepsake that tells the story of your time together.

Try Something New Together

Vacations are the perfect opportunity to try activities you wouldn’t usually do at home. Whether it’s zip-lining, pottery classes, or paddleboarding, stepping out of your comfort zone can create unforgettable moments. Choose an activity that everyone is excited about, and enjoy learning something new as a family. These shared experiences often become the highlights of a trip and give you stories to laugh about for years to come.

Family vacations are about more than just the destination—they’re about the moments you share along the way. With thoughtful planning and a little creativity, families can turn any trip into an unforgettable adventure. So, as you plan your next vacation, prioritize time spent together and explore all the ways you can create lasting memories that your family will cherish forever.

Nine Tips for Planning a Family Weekend Getaway to Sevierville


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Family vacations don’t have to be week-long excursions planned months in advance. Sometimes, all it takes is a quick weekend getaway to recharge, create cherished memories, and reconnect as a family. What better place to do that than Sevierville, Tennessee? Located in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, it is an ideal destination for families looking for adventure, relaxation, and quality time together. With its charming atmosphere, a wide range of attractions, and accessibility for U.S. residents, Sevierville offers something for everyone. Here’s how to make the most of your family weekend getaway to this picturesque town.

1. Choose Accommodations That Suit Your Family

You may be going away only for the weekend, but that doesn’t mean you should compromise on accommodations. Finding the right place to stay can make all the difference in your getaway experience. Fortunately, Sevierville offers a wide range of accommodations to suit different family needs and preferences. For a cozy, rustic vibe, consider renting a cabin in the woods. These options often come with amenities like hot tubs, fireplaces, and game rooms that kids love.

If you prefer being closer to town and attractions, many hotels and resorts in Sevierville offer convenience, comfort, and family-friendly facilities like pools and complimentary breakfasts. 

2. Explore the Entertainment Options

There are just so many things to do in Sevierville TN, that your weekend will surely be packed with excitement and smiles. A must-visit is SkyLand Ranch, a one-of-a-kind entertainment venue offering spectacular mountain views, live music, and activities designed for all ages. Families can stroll across scenic walking trails, enjoy food from local vendors, or simply take in the incredible atmosphere.

For a thrilling adventure, hop on the Wild Stallion Mountain Coaster, the longest mountain coaster in the Southeast. This exhilarating ride twists, turns, and dives through stunning natural surroundings. The best part? You can control the speed level! It’s an experience the whole family will rave about long after the weekend ends.

3. Plan for Outdoor Adventures

Sevierville’s proximity to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park makes it a haven for families who love the great outdoors. You could begin your adventure with a family-friendly hike. Opt for the Laurel Falls Trail, which features a relatively easy path leading to a stunning waterfall. Kids will love spotting wildlife along the way, from deer to colorful birds.

Pack a picnic and enjoy lunch by a bubbling creek or at one of the park’s scenic picnic spots. For families with older kids, activities like zip-lining or horseback riding can add a bit of extra adventure to the mix. Being immersed in nature not only helps families unplug from their daily routines but also fosters a sense of togetherness that’s hard to replicate elsewhere.

4. Enjoy Unique Dining Experiences

No family trip is complete without delicious food, and Sevierville has plenty of options. Head to the Applewood Farmhouse Restaurant and Grill, a local favorite that serves up hearty Southern comfort food in a charming farmhouse setting. From crispy fried chicken to apple fritters served with apple butter, every dish is a treat.

For a more casual meal, consider Big Daddy’s Pizzeria, where families can enjoy freshly made, wood-fired pizzas. Don’t forget to stop by a local ice cream shop or bakery for a sweet treat to end the day. Dining out during your Sevierville getaway is an opportunity to connect over shared meals and explore the town’s culinary culture.

5. Visit Iconic Attractions

Sevierville is full of iconic landmarks and attractions that offer a mix of education and entertainment. Begin with a visit to the Dolly Parton Statue in downtown Sevierville, which celebrates the town’s most famous resident. It’s a great photo opportunity and a chance to share stories about Dolly’s inspiring journey with your kids.

Another must-see is the Tennessee Museum of Aviation, where aviation enthusiasts of all ages can marvel at historic aircraft and learn about the pilots who made history. Interactive exhibits make it a particularly engaging stop for younger visitors.

6. Embrace Shopping Opportunities

No trip to Sevierville is complete without exploring its shopping scene. A highlight for families is Tanger Outlets, a sprawling shopping center with a mix of popular brands, local stores, and unique finds. Parents can hunt for bargains on clothing and accessories, while kids will enjoy browsing toy stores or picking out souvenirs to remember the trip.

Shopping in Sevierville isn’t just about buying—it’s an experience to remember. Many stores offer local crafts and Smoky Mountain-themed gifts, making it easy to find something special. Plan a few hours at Tanger Outlets, and don’t forget to stop for a snack or treat at one of the nearby cafes or bakeries to recharge.

7. Include Fun and Games for Kids

Sevierville is a paradise for kids, offering activities that will keep them entertained and excited. A great option is mini-golf, with courses featuring creative themes and obstacles. Mini-golf is an excellent way to spend time as a family, combining friendly competition with lots of laughs.

For something more interactive, head to the Rainforest Adventures Discovery Zoo. Home to over 130 species of tropical animals, this zoo offers a chance for kids to learn about wildlife while engaging with interactive exhibits. Activities like gem mining at local attractions also add an element of discovery and fun, ensuring children stay engaged throughout the trip.

8. Schedule Time for Relaxation

While packing in activities is part of the excitement of a family getaway, it’s equally important to set aside time to relax. After a day full of adventure, consider unwinding at your accommodations. 

Plan a laid-back evening with board games, movies, or simply stargazing together. If your family loves nature, take a peaceful evening stroll in one of Sevierville’s parks, where you can enjoy paved walking paths and picnic areas. Balancing action with rest ensures that everyone stays energized and stress-free during the trip.

9. Save The Memories

As your family explores Sevierville, make an effort to document your adventures. Whether it’s a group selfie at the base of a waterfall or a candid shot of the kids laughing on the Wild Stallion Mountain Coaster, these photos will be cherished for years to come.

Bring along a journal or scrapbook to jot down funny moments or memorable quotes from the trip. For kids, this can be a fun way to reflect on their favorite parts of the weekend. Many shops in Sevierville sell Smoky Mountain-themed photo frames and keepsakes, providing the perfect way to showcase your favorite snapshots once you’re home.

A family getaway to Sevierville is more than just a short trip—it’s an opportunity to strengthen bonds, create unforgettable memories, and enjoy the best of what the Smoky Mountains have to offer. By balancing adventure with relaxation, you’ll ensure a weekend that leaves everyone smiling. As you head back home, you’ll carry the laughter, stories, and connections made during your time in this charming Tennessee town.