Showing posts with label games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label games. Show all posts

7 Fun Activities Parents and Kids Can Do Together for Keeping Minds Sharp

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While boredom is okay sometimes for you and your kid, sometimes being entertained to the point it’s mind-numbing (like watching TV) is okay, too. But when it comes to activities, when you both have free time, it’s beneficial to try and do things that sharpen the mind, things that really just tease it! But what better way than to do things together? But what exactly? Well, here are some ideas you should definitely try together!

Exploring the Great Outdoors

First up, let’s talk about nature! There’s nothing quite like the great outdoors to stimulate our brains. It doesn’t matter too much what it is actually, it can be a hike through the woods, a walk in the park, or a day at the beach, being outside offers endless opportunities for mental engagement.

But how? Well, just think about it: when you’re out in nature, your senses are bombarded with new sights, sounds, and smells. This sensory overload forces your brain to process and adapt to the new environment, which is great for cognitive health. For the kids, it’s a chance to explore, ask questions, and learn about the world around them.

It depends on the age of your child, but ideally you should try turning your nature outings into mini-adventures. Maybe it’s a scavenger hunt where you look for different plants, animals, or insects. Or perhaps a simple game of I Spy. These activities are not only fun but also help sharpen observational skills and encourage curiosity. It’s mostly for them, but as a parent, it can still help you too.

Cooking Up a Storm

Who doesn’t love a good meal, right? For the most part, cooking with your kids can be a fantastic way to engage both their minds and yours. But how exactly can this help? Well, there are the measuring ingredients for following recipes, and cooking is a practical application of math and reading skills. Plus, it’s a great way to teach your kids about nutrition and healthy eating habits.

For the most part, if you’re cooking from scratch, it’ll be a good idea to involve your little ones in the entire process – from planning the meal to shopping for ingredients and finally, cooking. It helps create a good association with cooking, your brain needs to be active and it teaches them as well. You could even make it a fun challenge by trying out new recipes from different cuisines (ideal for getting them to be less picky with food).

Playing Video Games Together

Okay, so now, let’s talk about something that might surprise some of you – playing video games! Yup, you heard that right. Video games can be a fantastic way to keep both your mind and your kid’s mind sharp.

It really depends on the video game itself, but most games require strategic thinking, problem-solving, and quick decision-making. Even something like Mario Kart can be fairly stimulating to the mind. However, overall, most games often involve complex narratives and characters, which can improve memory and comprehension skills. Plus, playing together gives you a chance to bond with your kids over something they love.

Technically, you don’t always need to play games together, like the same game at the same time; you can even watch them play. For example, if you have a computer or even a tablet, you can watch them play games that they can play alone, such as Solitaire or a crossword puzzle, and just see how well they do (and in your mind, you can make moves or suggest moves).

Now, this is just an example, but overall, you need to choose games that are actually going to provide value to them and, of course, something age-appropriate too. The goal is for both of you to be entertained, but again, the game shouldn’t be mind-numbing; there needs to be some thought in the process, too.

You Can’t Go Wrong with Card and Tabletop Games

We went over video games above, but you just can’t beat the classics either! So, card games and tabletop games are timeless ways to engage your brain. Games like chess, checkers, Jenga, and Scrabble are fantastic for developing strategic thinking and vocabulary skills. Of course, you need to pick something that’s age-appropriate for your kid, but that shouldn’t be hard; for example, it’s pretty common to get preschool-aged children in Go Fish.

Getting Crafty with Arts and Crafts

It’s never a bad idea to get those creative juices flowing! Honestly, you can’t go wrong with this because arts and crafts are fantastic for engaging the brain and encouraging creativity. Basically, it can be painting, drawing, sculpting, or even simple coloring, these activities can be incredibly therapeutic and mentally stimulating.

Puzzles and Brain Teasers

Who doesn’t love a good puzzle? Puzzles and brain teasers are excellent for keeping our minds sharp. They challenge our problem-solving skills, improve memory, and enhance spatial reasoning. For kids, puzzles are a great way to develop cognitive skills in a fun and engaging way. For parents, they’re a wonderful way to relax and unwind while still giving your brain a workout. Plus, working on a puzzle together is a great bonding experience.

So video games were mentioned earlier, but there’s other types of puzzles you both can do together, technically Legos could be considered a puzzle, especially if you buy one of those comprehensive Legos like the Orient Express, Titanic, or basically anything else that’s more on a grand scale.

Reading Together

There’s something magical about getting lost in a good book. As you might already know, reading together is not only a wonderful way to bond but also a fantastic way to keep your minds sharp, it depends on the book itself, but for the most part, you can expect that this will improve vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills.

But ideally, it’s best to start making reading a part of your daily routine. This could be something like bedtime stories for the little ones or a family book club for the older kids, find books that everyone enjoys. If you want to try, you could even take turns reading aloud and discuss the stories together. Ask questions, make predictions, and dive deep into the characters and plot.