How To Set Up Your Home Office For Productivity


Photo by Mikey Harris on Unsplash

During the pandemic, many people who usually work in a traditional office space, found themselves working from home for extended periods. From setting up in the spare room to taking over the kitchen table, it was a case of making do with what you had. 

As a result of this, many companies introduced remote or hybrid working permanently and others decided to pursue careers that let them do this. Long-term remote working needs something a little better than a kitchen table, so setting up your own home office space is something that you’re going to need to do. 

Here are some tips on creating the perfect home office for you. 

Be creative with space

Having the space to work is important but not everyone has a spare room at home that they can convert. Try and be clever with your use of space, section off a small part of the room with a room divider, and buy compact desks or desks that fold into the wall when you’re done so it’s not permanently taking up space you need for living. 

The point is that you have somewhere that is dedicated to productivity when you’re working and that you can leave behind when you’re not. A lot of remote workers have trouble completely switching off from work, as it bleeds over into their free time. Being able to shut the door or close the screen on your work when you’re done is a powerful thing and will benefit your productivity and mental health in the long run. 

Design it with you in mind

You know best the optimum working conditions for you. Don’t set up your office in a space you know is going to be very distracting. James Bond author Ian Flemming used to write his books from his beautiful home in Jamaica, but because the scenery was so beautiful and distracting, he had his desk facing the wall so that he could do his work. If you can, set up where you aren't going to be distracted by people walking by, kids, or the TV. 

Make sure it is well ventilated

Fresh air and natural light make a huge difference to your energy levels and productivity. Try and set up your remote working space to take advantage of both. If you can’t then take regular breaks to get outside for some. 

Learn how to set up your desk

A great remote working setup isn’t only about looking great but needs to support your health too. Poor lighting, unsupportive chairs, and incorrect screen placement can cause you all sorts of issues with your health, which in turn will affect your productivity. 

Key points 

A great home office is something that works for you. Whether you’re in a bespoke build area or making do with what space you have, the principles are the same. As you get used to remote working, you’ll find out more about the best working patterns and environment for you and can change things up to take advantage of them. 

Making Sure You Meet Your Kids’ Nutritional Needs


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When you have children, you take full responsibility for their health, happiness and well-being. At the end of the day, they are entirely dependent on you and it’s up to you to ensure that all of their needs are being met at all times. This can feel like a lot, but it’s one of the basic responsibilities of being a parent. Of course, there are countless areas you can focus on when it comes to catering to your kids’ preferences and needs, but one area you should take into consider is their diet. You need to make sure that your little ones are eating the right amounts, eating the right foods and receiving all the nutrients their bodies need to grow and thrive. Here’s some information that can help you with this.

Making Sure Your Kids Are Eating the Right Amount

Start out by making sure that your kids are eating the right amount of food. They should be having three meals a day, as well as some healthy snacks in between. This will fuel them, giving them energy for school, play and other activities they engage with on a routine basis. Generally speaking, infants and young children can generally self-regulate the amount of calories they need each day. They may ask for more if they’re hungry or not want to finish meals if they’re already full. Avoid forcing your children to finish meals they don’t want. If you have concerns that your child wants too much or too little, visit a doctor or nutritionist who will be able to help you further. In general, it is recommended that one year olds should have roughly 900 kcal per day. 2 to 3 year olds should have 1000 kcal per day. Girls ages 4 to 8 should have 1200 kcal a day, while boys of the same age should consume roughly 1400 kcal per day. Girls aged 9 to 13 are recommended 1600 kcal a day, while boys in this age bracket are recommended 1800 calories a day. Finally, girls aged 14 to 18 require 1800 kcal a day, while boys of this age group require 2200 kcal a day.

Balanced Meals

It’s not enough to simply eat the right amount. Your child needs to be eating the right kinds of foods too. This means a healthy, balanced diet that provides your child with all of the food groups in moderation. Focus on ensuring your kids get their five a day when it comes to fruit and vegetables and consider kids multivitamins to make up for occasional shortfalls.

Junk Food

Junk food is often advertised towards kids. Bright and bold packaging with characters can draw in little ones more than adults. But it’s up to you to limit the amount of junk food, fast food and foods with high saturated fat, salt and sugar levels for your children. While these foods are okay on occasion, they shouldn’t form a regular part of your children’s diet.

Hopefully, some of the suggestions above will make all the difference when it comes to managing your kids’ diets well!

Smart & Budget-Friendly Ideas For A Hen-Do Or Milestone Bday


Why do kid's parties always sound so much more fun than adult's? It's not necessarily a case of losing your inner child in the process of adulthood. More often than not, adult parties lack a certain je-ne sais-quoi. We forget the things that used to be exciting and enjoyable. 

So it's time to bring back some much-needed fun into your events, whether you are planning a hen-do or a milestone birthday party. You could go for something unusual, like an escape room party. Yet, there are 3 things you want to keep in mind:

  • Keep it budget-friendly

  • Keep it safe and not too unhealthy

  • Keep it light-spirited

Here are some ideas to elevate your grown-up celebrations. 

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Don't let the cake go to waste

Do you remember attending kid's birthday parties and heading back home with a slice of cake carefully packed by your friend's mother? Nowadays, most parties lead to a high amount of waste. Understandably, most participants are far too busy catching up and chatting to eat cake. So what happens to the delicious treats prepared or bought specifically for the occasion? They tend to finish in the bin! 

So, let's make party cakes exciting again by preparing some safe takeaway boxes for your guests. You can even order stickers to personalize the box, such as a cute thank you note or a simple message about the party. That way, your guests can safely bring back the slice of cake they couldn't eat. They're guaranteed to get up with a big smile on their faces the next day! 

Plan low-key boozy treats

Upset stomach? Headache? Not being able to remember what happened the night before? We've all been to a wild party in our youth where the flows of alcohol took away both our sanity and memories... The problem is that some people just never know when to stop. So, why not replace the typical bottles of alcohol with homemade boozy popsicles, which are fun and less likely to lead to a hungover the next day? There's something hugely playful and exciting about popsicles, so your guests are probably going to consume less alcohol without sacrificing any of the fun! 

Another exciting way to reduce alcohol consumption is to bring delicious mocktails to the table. Flavorsome drinks do not need any alcohol, and they'll still feel grown-up. 

Get the conversation started with props

How many photos do people take at parties? The number decreases as the average attendance age increases. In other words, the older you get, the less likely you are to capture memorable moments at a party. You may have a handful of selfies but very few mementos of who was there. So, why not create group activities that can help people relax and get to know each other while taking photos? You could prepare a box filled with fun props such as oversized glasses or wigs and let y our guests take humorous pictures. Alternatively, if you want to help them break the ice, why not add some challenges, such as asking guests to recreate a famous scene of their favorite movies using props, for example? 

Can adults have fun at parties again without breaking the bank? Contrary to common belief, you can have a fantastic time filled with excitement at and after a party with simple planning tips. 

Top Tips To Help You Become A Better Chef

 Whether you are a fan of world cuisines or traditional and local recipes, there is always a good reason to learn new cooking skills to enhance your culinary skills. 

Should you be new to cooking or want to become a better chef, here are some top tips. 

Avocado Chopping Board Ingredients - Free photo on Pixabay

Use sauces and herbs

There is no better way to enhance the flavors of your food than with sauces and herbs. Although plain meals can be a preference, they taste so much better with added flavorings. Hence, it is a good time to start using more sauces and herbs, especially homemade sauces. 

Following a cocktail sauce recipe can help you create the most delicious and fulfilling meals. Plain dishes can often be dull and not very satisfying. Therefore, adding a homemade sauce is always bound to enhance the dishes' flavor and satisfaction and help you experiment with cooking to become a better chef. 

Practice makes perfect

Although spending hours on a dish that doesn’t live up to expectations can be disappointing, don’t let it rain on your parade. Practice makes perfect and the more you practice, the better your cooking will get

It could take ten times to even enjoy a certain dish that you make. Yet, this practice will help you learn a new tolerance for cooking and identify how to change the way that you are cooking for the best results. 

Use fresh ingredients

It is important to learn not to become a lazy chef. Lazy chefs will be pre-chopped ingredients and even frozen produce. Although these can taste good, they won’t take the best. Nor will they make your food feel the most authentic. 

It is always a good idea to use fresh ingredients. They will enhance the flavor and texture of your food, which will help to enhance the overall personal satisfaction of your cooking. 


Although it can feel comfortable to follow recipes and other menus, it is always a good idea to experiment and create your own dishes. You will never know what you are capable of creating if you don’t follow your heart and your own flavor preferences. 

The more chopping and changing of ingredients you do, the more comfortable you will feel with mixing flavors and understanding what works best together. 

Keep your knives sharp

So that you can prepare your food professionally and safely, it is important to keep your knives sharp. Buying a knife sharpener will ensure that you can always resharpen them when they go blunt and stop cutting ingredients so efficiently. 

Sharp knives will not necessarily change the flavor of your food, but they will help to improve the texture and your experience while preparing. 

These straightforward and simple tips can soon turn you into a more confident and capable chef. Cooking has no rules or boundaries. It is a free activity to experiment how you please. Therefore, don’t be shy to mix flavors and try new things as you will never know what you are capable of. 

A Step by Step Guide on Recovering After Losing a Family Member

 When someone we love dies, our lives are turned upside down. Everything we once knew is suddenly gone, and we are left struggling to figure out how to go on. Grieving the loss of a family member is one of the most challenging things anyone can go through. It is an incredibly personal process, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. This blog post will outline a step-by-step guide on how to recover after losing a loved one. We hope this information will help you as you work through your grief.

Photo by Brett Sayles: 

1) Allow yourself to grieve:

Grieving is a natural and necessary process after losing a loved one. It is important to allow yourself the time and space to mourn your loss. Bottling up your emotions will only worsen things in the long run. Instead, find a safe place to let out all of your feelings, whether through writing, talking to friends or family, or crying.

If you are struggling to cope with your grief, don't be afraid to seek professional help. A therapist can provide support and guidance as you work through this difficult time. Losing a loved one is never easy, but you will eventually get through it by taking things one day at a time. Just remember that there is no timeline for grief, so take whatever time you need to heal.

2) Lean on your support system:

One of the most important things you can do after losing a loved one is lean on your support system. This includes friends, family, and any other close relationships you have. These people can offer you much-needed comfort and understanding during this difficult time. Let them know if there is anything they can do to help you, whether it be running errands or just sitting with you in silence.

It is also important to join a grief support group or participate in therapy if you feel it would be helpful. Talking to others who have gone through similar experiences can be incredibly comforting. It can also help normalize the intense emotions you are currently feeling. No one understands what you are going through better than someone who has been through it themselves.

3) Help plan a funeral or memorial service:

If you can, help plan the funeral or memorial service for your loved one. This can be a therapeutic process that helps you feel more connected to your loved one. It can also be a way to honor their memory and say goodbye personally and uetising Funeral Super Store while you’re at it. If you are not able to help plan the service, try to attend and participate as much as possible.

Some people don't want to attend the funeral or memorial service for their loved one. This is perfectly normal, and you should do whatever feels right. If you decide not to attend, try finding another way to honor your loved one's memory, such as planting a tree in their name or writing them a letter.

4) Stay connected to your loved one:

Just because someone has died, doesn't mean you have to forget about them. There are many ways to stay connected to your loved ones after they die. For example, you can keep their memory alive by sharing stories and photos with others or by writing down your thoughts and feelings about them. You can also visit their grave or create a special memorial space in your home.

Some people find it helpful to talk to their loved ones after they die. This can be done through prayer, meditation, or simply talking aloud. It can help you feel closer to them and offer some degree of comfort. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to grieve, so do whatever feels right for you.

5) Take care of yourself:

Taking care of yourself both physically and emotionally after losing a loved one is essential. This means eating healthy, getting plenty of rest, and exercising. It also means finding healthy ways to cope with your grief, such as talking to friends or family, journaling, or attending therapy.

Don't be afraid to ask for help from others if you need it. Many people are more than happy to lend a hand, whether running errands or cooking meals. Let people know what you need and allow them to help you out. Taking care of yourself is essential during this difficult time.

6) Stay socially connected

Just because you are grieving doesn't mean you have to isolate yourself from the world. On the contrary, it is often helpful to stay socially connected after losing a loved one. This can help prevent you from feeling isolated and alone. Try attending social events, joining a club or group, or volunteering your time.

If you don't feel like being around people, that's okay too. There are plenty of ways to stay socially connected without being around others. You can stay in touch with friends and family through phone calls, text messages, emails, and social media. You can also join online support groups or forums where you can connect with others going through similar experiences.

7) Give yourself time:

Giving yourself time to grieve after losing a loved one is essential. This means taking a break from work, school, or other obligations if you need to. It also means taking things at your own pace and not putting pressure on yourself to "get over" your grief. Remember that there is no timeline for grieving, so take as much time as you need.

Eventually, you will start to feel better and be able to resume your normal activities. But don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. There are many resources available to help you through this difficult time. Give yourself the time and space you need to heal, and eventually, you will start to feel like yourself again.

Losing a loved one is never easy, but there are things you can do to help yourself through the grieving process. Try to attend and participate in the funeral or memorial service, stay connected to your loved one, take care of yourself, and stay socially connected. Most importantly, give yourself time to grieve. There is no timeline for grief, so take as much time as you need. Remember that you are not alone in this, and resources are available to help you through this difficult time.

How To Get Through A Challenging Phase

 Hardship and adversity are integral parts of human existence, and you may encounter them more than once in a lifetime. Challenging times may come unexpectedly, so you may never be too prepared. Imagine how the world struggled amid the pandemic as it was perhaps the worst challenge for the human race. You may face personal struggles like a disease, a broken relationship, or a financial crisis. Winners are resilient during tough times, and losers give up hope. But everyone has a streak of strength and resilience within. You only need to open yourself to facing tough times and overcoming them. Here are some ways you can cruise through a challenging phase.

Focus on things you can control

Tough phases are about things you can control and ones you have to accept. Therapists recommend focusing on things you can control and giving your best. For example, you cannot do much about the pain and suffering of a terminally ill loved one. But you can provide them the emotional support they require through the phase. Stop stressing about the factors you cannot change but pick the positive areas.

Reach out to others

Remember that no one can deal with challenges alone. So it is alright to reach out and ask for help. Connect with loved ones, colleagues, and friends who can help you in some way. Do not hesitate to ask because most people are willing to lend a hand. At times, only having someone to listen empathically is enough to make a difference. But avoid negative people as they may end up making you even more anxious.

Find strength within

Surprisingly, you may find the savior much closer than you imagine, as your own strength can keep you afloat. According to Carmelite Monks of Wyoming, praying is the best way to find strength within. Find solitude and connect with God because He can impart the resilience you need to get through the tough time. Prayer motivates you to face the challenge and support your loved ones as well.

Invest in self-care

Investing in self-care keeps you in good shape, physically, mentally, and spiritually. A stressful situation can take a toll on your well-being, so go the extra mile to look after your physical needs. Eat your meals on time, stay active, and sleep well. Meditation can keep you mentally and emotionally healthy. Spend quality time with your loved ones to drive stress away. Although these measures wouldn't resolve your problem, they keep you going.

This dentist in Midtown Manhattan also highly recommends routine health checkups to ensure you're physically healthy. A healthy body deals with stress more effectively than a weak one.

Give help to others

Although helping others when you are in a crisis sounds out of the question, it can actually make things easier. You may get a fresh perspective on your problem and realize it isn't as daunting as you imagine. Helping others is not only about monetary assistance. You can volunteer in a community activity, take out the garbage for a sick neighbor, or help your spouse with the housework. 

Life tends to throw challenges, but you must take the right approach to handle adversities. Follow these tips to make it through the hardest of times.

What You Need To Think About Before Bringing A Dog Into Your Home

 You might be thinking about bringing a dog into your home. This isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. It is a huge responsibility to own a dog and you need to think about it long and hard before coming to any sort of decision. Dogs are a lifetime commitment and not just for a couple of months. They will need to be walked in all weathers, which people often forget about. Take a look below to find out other things you need to consider and think about before going out to buy a dog. 

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Is The Time Right?

This is a question not many people think about. They just assume that any time is the right time to own a dog. Not quite true, if you are working long hours and you simply don’t have a lot of free time then it may not be the right time for you to own a puppy or a dog. New dogs need time to adjust and this needs to be done with someone around the majority of the time. If you can’t put aside necessary training hours for your dog then it may be time to put those plans on hold for the time being. 

Do You Have The Space?

Dogs can take up a lot of room and space in your home, especially larger breeds. You need to ensure you have enough space for them to run about and burn off excess energy. Ideally, you don’t want them doing zoomies around your home, potentially destroying it in the process. You need to have a decent-sized garden or be prepared to take them out for long walks at several points throughout the day. Gardens are ideal for dogs as they can come and go as they please throughout the day. 

How Much Budget Do You Have? 

Dogs are not cheap and you need to make sure that money will always be available as and when your dog needs it. It isn’t just the initial cost of buying the dog that you need to think about. You will also need pet insurance that you pay for monthly. Vet bills, including vaccinations and worming treatments. Dog food will also need to be catered for, finding the best one for your pet may take some time. Walmart fresh dog food is available for you to purchase and is a favorite within the doggy community. Then, there are things like the Halo collar 4 or a decent fence, which will help keep the pup safe in the yard, not to mention toys and treats. Make sure you are putting money aside for all eventualities and you should be fine. 

Which Breed Do You Want? 

Finally, if you have decided that now is the right time to get a dog then you need to decide on which breed to get. This takes a lot of time and research. You need to think about whether you are going to have children in your home, either now or in the future. If so, you need to get a dog that is family-friendly and gentle. There are quizzes you can take to decide on the type of dog that will fit in best with your setup. You could also search for dogs with the best temperament to find one. 

Popsicles for Adults (Boozy Freezer Pops)

I know summer doesn't officially begin for a few weeks, but, it is HOT already, the kids are out of school, and the mosquitoes are biting at every opportunity. In my eyes, that means it is summer. I have been spending a ton of time in the pool, or poolside with the kids. Sometimes my mind wanders to thoughts of boozy popsicles but the ones at the grocery store are like  $20 for just a small package. Seems kind of excessive for what you are actually getting. So instead of shelling out my  cash I turned to the internet and found a few promising recipes for boozy popsicles to share with you. 

Please click through the link to get the full recipe.

4 Ingredient Raspberry Sangria Popsicles are the perfect afternoon indulgence. They are easy to make and they taste perfect after a sweltering day in the summer heat.

Blood Orange Negroni Pops are elegant and easy enough to make on a whim and wow guests this summer.

Pina Colada Popsicles

Give your day a tropical vibe with these totally indulgent popsicles. I love these almost as much as a pina colada itself!

Easy Mango Pina Colada Pops feel like the perfect substitute for a vacation mid week, tropical vibe included!

Blue Lagoon Cocktail Popsicles are so much fun to make and share with a of legal drinking age friend. 

Blueberry Vodka Lime Sorbet is the perfect way to beat the heat and get a little buzz too.

Which of these boozy popsicle recipes sounds the best to you? I would really appreciate it if you would pin this recipe to your cocktail board or share it on social media.

Reader favorite cocktails include:

7 Tips For Your Next Family Camping Trip

 Preparing a camping trip can feel like a lot of effort at times, but planning your first family camping trip can be extremely stressful.

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

There's a lot riding on the first trip because there's a fear that if your kids don't take to camping right away, they'll never learn to love it the way you do. But the key is to keep things simple and understand that camping is supposed to be enjoyable! Whether you choose a site up in the mountains or you choose a site opposite the water, you should pick a campsite that fits what you want to get from your vacation. You and your family deserve the very best from your trip so choosing the location has to be the first thing you do before you determine which activities come next.

The following are the top ideas for making your family's first camping vacation a success.

Find A Well-Known Or Accessible Campground

The purpose of your first family camping trip is to just have fun. You'll have lots of opportunities to improve your camping skills later in life, but your children will only want to if they like camping.

Consider a well-established campground with plenty of amenities for your first vacation. Keep things easy the first time because your children may need time to adjust to going to the restroom outside or purifying their own water.

Look for a campground with actual facilities and water pumps. A picnic table and grate over the fire would also be nice.

Learning to sleep in the great outdoors takes practice, so your kids may feel safer if you camp in a campground where they can sleep to the sounds of others conversing in surrounding tents or make friends with kids their age.

Get Your Kids Involved In Planning

One of the most crucial aspects of camping is planning, and proper planning usually gives more time for fun when you're really camping.

The purpose of your first family camping vacation is to teach your children to enjoy nature while unplugging from many of the world's distractions. However, one of the most beneficial side effects of camping is learning the value of planning and the responsibility that comes with taking holidays.

Planning a camping trip does not always have to be a pain; it should be enjoyable and entertaining. For example, inquire about what your children hope to gain from the trip.

If you're camping near a lake, perhaps they're looking forward to swimming or fishing; if so, tell them how crucial it is to remember their swimsuit, innertube, or fishing rod.

Including your children in the planning process is a terrific learning opportunity as well as a way to gain a better sense of how you can make this vacation something they'll genuinely love.

Create A Packing List

A packing list is an important aspect of the preparation process. If you've ever tented before, you understand the frustration of realizing you've forgotten something at home and will have to go without it.

If you've camped a million times, you may already know everything you need, but you can always double-check packing lists.

Packing lists help you remember everything before you leave, which is important for both your safety and your enjoyment (don't forget the deck of cards)! Try to get your children to complete their own packing as part of the planning process. Add things like EcoGearFX, campsite games, and other essentials. 

Encourage kids to make packing lists, and then go over what could be missing and why that item is needed. For example, if kids forget to include socks on their list, you might talk about how sad they'll be if they don't have an extra pair and step in a puddle.

Make Food Over A Campfire

What is the first thing that comes to mind for most people when they think of camping? Of course, s'mores! Lean into the excitement and novelty of camping by preparing foods that your children will come to love and identify with outdoor family camping adventures.

A fire can be used to cook a variety of foods other than hot dogs on sticks. Consider bringing veggies to grill over the grate, such as corn. Camping is an excellent opportunity to break out your cast iron pan and prepare some one-pot dishes.

Allow your children to request some of their favorite dishes ahead of time and see if you can create them over a campfire. Whatever campfire cuisine you choose, sitting around a fire and eating is a typical camping experience that the whole family will love.

Plan Activities

Making family camping excursions enjoyable and memorable requires careful planning of activities. There should be enough structure to keep the days moving and your kids from becoming bored, but also enough flexibility for them to enjoy their environment and find something meaningful to them about camping.

Before you travel, talk to your children about it. Inquire about how they want to spend all their time and what they are most looking forward to. Make an effort to accept their own preferences and give them the opportunity to connect with nature in their own unique way. 

Split the Chores

No degree of planning ahead of time will eliminate all of the duties associated with camping; there will still be food to prepare, dishes to wash, tents to erect, and so on.

To get your kids involved without exhausting them, divide the duties so that they only have to complete a couple each day. Vacations are a time to be free of usual household tasks, but camping still requires some effort, which is best split across the group.

Last Words On The Best Family Camping Trip

Camping is a great family pastime, and the goal of your first family camping trip is to inculcate in your children a love of nature and camping under the stars.

Try to involve your children as much as possible in the planning process, and urge them to help shape the vacation into what they want it to be.

Bring games and organize activities that everybody will like so that your children will want to go on future camping trips.

If you follow the advice above, your first family camping trip will be a success!

Have you been on a family camping trip before? What tips would you add to this list? Please add some of these in the comments below.