
Food Prices Are Soaring, But You Still Needn't Get Burnt In The Kitchen

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As food prices increase at rates that we haven’t seen in decades, it’s easy to assume that increases in grocery costs are an inevitable part of life right now. The trouble is that, for families who were already paying a great deal for their weekly food shop, this additional cost can feel like too much to bear.

This is especially true when you pair raising food costs with general inflation of around 7.5%. Luckily, while we can’t impact general inflation and its effects on things like household bills, grocery increases are, at least, something that we can manage if we put our minds to it.

That’s not to say you can entirely overcome paying anything extra in this area over the coming months, but it does at least mean that you can try to keep costs around the level that they were before by simply perfecting priorities like the following. 

Step 1: Pay with the right card

Though it may seem strange to use a credit card to ultimately save yourself money, the fact that many credit card providers offer as much as 2-6% of cashback at nationwide supermarkets means that you can at least reduce the impact of increases by paying this way. By taking the time to consider the best possible options for this benefit with the help of companies like Compare Credit, you can especially ensure that you’re getting almost as much back as the extra you’re spending in the first place. If you pair this with the ability to pay credit card bills as soon as they come through your letterbox, you can at least ease the sting you’ll inevitably feel here otherwise. 

Image Source: CC0 License

Step 2: Cut back on meat

With meat currently costing around 21% more than it did in 2021, reducing meat products to one or two meals a week can also significantly help to reduce food expenses overall. This is by no means a new concept, but the cost-cutting benefits of surprisingly affordable protein and iron-rich alternatives like lentils and beans are coming even more into their own right now. Even better, the ability to store these items in the long term can save on food wastage, which will also help to cut back on overall costs here. 

Step 3: Cook in batches

Speaking of reducing waste, cooking in batches is another more financially sustainable way to continue cooking your own meals. As well as saving on the risk of having to throw away food, having affordable meals like chilis and curries in the freezer can especially cut down on the need for shopping trips that leave you at risk of the expensive impulse buys that many of us are guilty of otherwise. And, you’d be amazed how much of a difference that can bring to your monthly grocery outlays overall. 

Cost of food increases are undeniably daunting for those of us with families to sustain, but weathering the change using these simple techniques is guaranteed to make this an easier adjustment than you might be expecting. 


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