
Mom Life on the Run

When I was pregnant with my first child, I envisioned having a real life doll baby. I had this fun little notion about how perfect everything would be. You couldn't have burst my bubble if you tried. Some lessons, like babies being messy, are lessons that you have to live and learn. 

With my second baby, I was back at it with the ideas again. I had notions of matching outfits and coordinated activities and perfectly decorated bedrooms. HA! I sure am a funny lady. This post has been sponsored by Oxiclean. All opinions and experiences are my own.

Motherhood has had lots of interesting moments. From the sweet ones that make you tear up a little, to the ridiculous ones (hello, who wrote on the side of the house with permanent markers?!) to the ones that are just downright messy, like ice cream on a hot day. One thing I know for sure is that mess happens when you are a mom and there is only one thing you can do, jump in and clean it up. That's why I like to keep a OxiClean on the Go Stain Remover Pen on my person. These come in so handy for life with kids! If we are out to dinner, no dribble destroys the day. We can go anywhere and face anything with a oxiclean stain remover pen!

While these are small, they have so much power within. I have used them for so many stains. From ice cream to ketchup. I even used them to take dirty foot prints out of new shoes. Like I said, as a mom, I know messes will happen. And now I can roll with whatever happens while saving time and money.  You can pick up a 3 pack from retailers like Meijer, Walmart or Amazon starting at $7.

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