
Tips on How to Make Your House a Cozy Place after Moving

Tips on How to Make Your House a Cozy Place after Moving

Moving into a new home may not be easy. With the amount of time you need to prepare and adjust, it’ll be
much harder to move with that feeling of home for the first time. Luckily, there are many ways to make
your new house cozy after moving. While some can take some time and help, it’s time to start calling your
new place a home.

Here are some tips that can help make your space comfortable and inviting.

1. Display the things that you love

When you move in, it’s essential to surround yourself with the things you love and take them in the center
stage. After all, your new home should reflect your personality, and everything will fall into places. Whether
you have a painting you bought during the art fair or old collections of vinyl records, these simple items
have unforgettable memories. If you want your new space to gain warmth and comfort, make an effort to
incorporate them in your home decoration.

To make sure you’ll get all your personal items safely delivered to your place in New York City or other
areas, hiring a professional moving company NYC can be a great option.

2. Start hanging photos

In addition to the things you love, hanging family photos after moving in can help make your new house
like home. The more you place familiar faces around your space, the more comfortable it’ll become. Start
thinking about where to hang these photos so that you can get them up as soon as possible.

3. Add several sources of lighting

Lighting will always have a magical effect on space. With the addition of a few lighting fixtures in the right
place, your house can appear bigger and cozier. Consider putting lamps around to have an intimate
atmosphere. If you want a natural source of light, open your windows or install a thin curtain to keep
some privacy. For an instant effect, you can arrange tea lights and candles or hang fairy lights instead.

4. Keep your space cozy with DIY storage solutions

You may have piles of boxes to unpack after you move in. To keep your new place cozier and clutter-free,
be smart with your storage solutions. Instead of using a simple chest of drawers, you can have stylish
baskets and copper bins as your alternative storage. These items are easy to update whenever you want to
change them, and most of all, they don’t have to be attached to a wall.

5. Bring nature in

Another way to make your house a cozy place after moving is by adding plants. More than a decoration,
houseplants and fresh flowers can improve the ambiance of your new home. Fill your house with an innate
sense of homey-ness by adding greenery and fresh blooms. You can decorate your kitchen with pot herbs
in mason jars and flowers in a vase on your dining table. If you want larger ones, pick out some low
maintenance houseplants that can survive a few days even without water.

6. Use warm colors for the accessories

Aside from a fresh coat of paint, making good use of warm colors for the accessories can make your home
more compact and inviting. It’s no doubt that colors can elicit emotions and mood that makes the designing
aspect more interesting. To have a cozy feeling after you move in, fill your space with warmer tones such
as red, peach-orange, and brown.

7. Diversify your furniture

If you’re looking for an interior that stirs up visually, have different styles of furniture pieces incorporated
into your new home. Don’t hesitate to mix things up a little to achieve a bright and cozy interior once you
move in. You can use your old pieces of furniture and combine them with the new ones to have
harmonious results.

8. Incorporate a spa ambiance

You can bring the spa at home to make it feel cozier and more relaxing. Get some inspiration from a
comfortable place like a spa. The candles, diffusers, trickling fountains, and other details can be added to
have an innate sense of hygge into your new home.

9. Spend more time in your new home

The best way to make a house cozier is by spending more time in there. The more you stay at home with
your family and loved ones, the more you think of it as an oasis of relaxation. With time, your new home
can be the perfect place to sit, relax, and enjoy together with the people you love.

The Bottom Line

Moving comes with much stress. Plus it’ll always take some time before you feel at home in a new place you’ve just moved in. Sometimes, that feeling of newness may persist in a few days, weeks or even months. If you want to experience a sense of home after moving, keep these tips in mind to get you started. If you need help in moving your boxes, contact experienced professionals like Movers NYC as soon as you know your move-in date.  

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