

Over the weekend I scored a great deal on mums. They were not in the best shape, but they were $1 for a big bunch! The farmer also had some lopsided pumpkins priced to move, and an idea that I have loved but never got around to trying popped into my head.

Out of my bargain shopping, a mumkin was born.

This was such an easy project! All you need are:
A pumpkin
Some mums
A drill with a 7/16th bit

Simply drill holes into your pumpkin, be generous with your holes!

Snip the mums to be about 2" long, insert them into the holes you drilled.

And there you have a mumkin!

This is a perfect activity for preschoolers. I made one live on the Quirky Mama page with Harper and we had a ton of fun with it! I loved that making a mumkin gave her a chance to work with natural materials and to use her fine motor skills in the process.

The mumkin is a very chic and classy option for Halloween decor without going the route of spooky and scary! I can't wait to make more with the kids!

1 comment:

  1. I would much rather make this then clean out a Pumpkin and Carve it although I am not sure Charlie would agree with me. So guess who will be carving pumpkins soon.


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