
Water Intake Printable

If getting in shape or living a healthier life is on your list of New Years Resolutions you probably realize how important drinking a lot of water is. But it can be a challenge to drink as much water as is recommended.

I have a great free printable for you that will help you keep track of how much water you are consuming each day.

I didn't realize how little water I have been drinking until I started using this.  After seeing I was only drinking half of the water I should be consuming I am making a great effort to say no to the addictive iced coffees and opt for water instead.

Print: Water Intake Calendar

I hope this printable helps you to make sure you are drinking enough water.


  1. thanks for this great printable. I am trying to drink only water all day so this will help keep track

  2. This is something that I need to do. But I hate water! LOL! Maybe this will motivate me.

  3. Wow! I love this! It's compacted into an entire month. That's fantastic. Guess what I'm gonna do? PRINT!! Woohoo! I'll hang it on my cubicle at work and I'll take one for home. It would be great if you had one for only weekdays and another for weekends so I could have one for each.

  4. It's so important to drink a lot of water, and yet I don't drink as much as I should. This is going to be really helpful! Thanks for linking to the In and Out of the Kitchen Link Party. Hope to see you next week.

  5. what a great idea I often do not get enough water and need to work better at this
    come see me at

  6. I definitely need to hang this inside my kitchen cabinet! I KNOW I don't drink enough! I can tell because I don't have to pee enough. ;) Thanks for linking this up to Something Fabulous Wednesday!

  7. What a great printable! Just the other day a weight loss group I'm in on FB was talking about water intake, so I shared this post with them!

  8. Thanks for sharing. I need to work on my water intake

  9. Awesome idea! I need to up my water, for sure - and this will help!! Visiting from Serenity Saturday. :)


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